“£50,000 awarded every year”

The Fowey Grammar School Foundation is a registered charity
(no. 306571). It provides financial assistance to Fowey River Academy and
individual students under the age of 25 who qualify for awards in the form of
grants and annual bursaries for those in tertiary education.

Each year, approximately £50,000 is awarded to ex-students of the Academy. However, there is still a large number of students who are eligible to apply but fail to do so.

Further details and information can be found on the Charity Commission website www.gov.uk/government/organisations/charity-commission or by contacting the clerk:

*Mr. M Kotwinski 01726 812285 or 0758710460

*who is also the nominated data controller.

To apply please go to the Fowey Grammer School Foundation Website: https://foweygrammarschoolfoundation.org