how governance works at fra


Being a member of the LAC provides an opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to the academy at this exciting stage of its development. The group convenes termly or as and when required.

The full structure of the Trust governance and remit of the Trust’s members, board of trustees and scheme of delegation are available on the governance page of Leading Edge Academies Partnership website.

The academy welcomes the involvement of individuals who hold good knowledge of the local community surrounding the academy, are enthusiastic to support the learning of young people in the academy and who are willing to undertake some basic training to support them in their role. We operate a skills audit process so that we can ensure that the make-up of the LAC is broad and balanced. Please contact the clerk to the LAC, Louisa McHardy (lmchardy@fracademy.org) to express initial interest. 

All LAC members will be expected to:

  • Support the academy and Trust vision and ethos
  • Exercise the highest standards of confidentiality and personal integrity
  • Abide by the Trust’s Code of Conduct for Governance
  • Contribute to the development of effectively sharing good practice
  • Comply with relevant safeguarding processes – including proof of compliance with regulatory requirements relative to Disclosure and Barring Service Enhanced Criminal Record Checks
  • Complete visit report forms, when appropriate, in order to report visit findings to LAC group.

Support for LAC members:

We appreciate that attendance at LAC meetings will need time and commitment from individual members and therefore to try and provide some support members will receive:

  • An induction process to support new group members to understand how the LAC works and what is required from members within the group.
  • Training for LAC members either through support from a mentor and or providing access to external advice and guidance agencies and organisations.
  • Opportunities to network with other LAC members within the Leading Edge Academies Partnership either virtually or through network meetings. 

The Governing Body is called the LAC (Local Academy Committee) and its main purpose is to drive school improvement and improve the outcomes for the children and young people within our academy.

The LAC works with the Headteacher and leaders to:
1) set the unique vision of academy

2) raise standards by reviewing data and by undertaking monitoring visits

3) report to Trustees on all Learning and Compliance issues.

The current membership of the LAC is:

  • Mr C Williams – Chair
  • Mrs C Hoddinott – Vice Chair
  • Mr S Turpin
  • Mr R Cherry
  • Mr G Dawson
  • Mrs R Scullion
  • Mrs M McKay
  • Mrs Louisa McHardy – Clerk

Minutues of local meetings are available on request from the Clerk.  Please email: lmchardy@fracademy.org

The school is a member of the Leading Edge Academies Partnership  which plays a key role in supporting and sustaining our improvement.  We are pleased to welcome Tony Cooke and David Sharp as link trustees for 2023-2024.

Christopher Williams

Christopher Williams


Christopher lives in Fowey and has been chair of the Local Academy since 2019.  He is committed to the community and supports the school in its determination to give every pupil a happy, memorable, and successful education.  He’s a trustee of the Fowey Festival, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a lifelong supporter of the arts in education.   He has worked as an English teacher, trainer and leadership coach, with headships of three secondary schools. Other work includes Senior Director (National Strategies) where he led on closing attainment gaps, Assistant Director (Research) with the National College for School Leadership and international work on future schools with the OECD.

Chris is married to Helen, a professional artist,  and they have four grown-up children

claire hoddinott

claire hoddinott

Governor & Vice Chair

Claire became a Governor in September 2021 and has two sons currently attending the school.  Living and working in Fowey, she recognises that the school is an important part of the community and wholeheartedly supports the Academy’s aspirations to engage further with local clubs, organisations, and businesses to give Fowey students an enriched and holistic education, benefitting from the beautiful countryside and coast that surrounds them.

Claire has a keen interest in the environment and is involved in local nature conservation and monitoring which is supplemented by her scientific background.

Steve Turpin

Steve Turpin


Steve has been a Governor since the summer of 2020. He has vast experience in engineering which has seen him involved in many large engineering projects. Steve brings expertise in health & safety and given he is a former pupil of the school has a personal interest in its success. Steve’s heritage is with Fowey, where he contributes to the local community. An example is where he is chairperson of the rowing club The River Fowey Gig Club.

Carla moorcroft

Carla moorcroft

Staff Governor

Carla is a staff governor. Carla has worked at Fowey River Academy since September 2017, helping to develop and build the Creative Arts Department.  Carla teaches Art and Design, Textiles and Photography to all year groups.  Carla has developed links within the local community through events such as The Fowey Arts and Literature Festival, and Fowey Arts Trail, also working with local business people, artists and colleges.  Carla won the ‘Inspirational Teacher of the Year’ award from Shine Media Awards in June 2020, due to the commitment she has shown to our school and students.  Carla also leads on our REAL projects, which are cross curricular projects linking real life scenarios with authentic audiences and live exhibitions. 

graham dawson

graham dawson

Co-opted Governor

Graham became a governor on May 22nd, he lives in Lostwithiel and has a son currently attending the school. He previously spent 4 years as a parent governor in his old home village in Oxfordshire. He has 50 years in telecoms engineering and strongly believes in Apprenticeships and practical skills. He enjoys the quiet outdoor life with walking and fishing to relax.

RobERT Cherry

RobERT Cherry


Robert has been a governor since the summer of 2021,  lives in Fowey and both of his children have attended the primary school and FRA. Rob has 30 years’ experience of teaching and leading in Further and Higher Education. Rob currently works as a writer, chief examiner, assessment auditor and senior moderator for a number of UK exam boards.  Rob regularly visits schools, colleges, and training providers in the South West and Midlands as part of his role. Rob is keen for all students to have a  positive experience of their school years and learn skills and values that will help them in their lives going forward.  Rob is an active member of Castle Dore Rowing Club based at Golant,  and the River Fowey Gig Club.




Becks lives in Polruan and has over 25 years of working in state and independent schools.  Becks currently works as a Professional Learning Mentor; guiding senior leaders in various educational settings through their Level 7  apprenticeship  and related Post Graduate Qualifications.  Throughout her teaching career Becks has led on safeguarding, pastoral care and enrichment as well as teaching and leading the subjects of ICT/Computing and  PSHE.  Becks was, and is, still passionate about facilitating opportunities and encouraging staff and students alike to be the best versions of themselves.  She is married to John, who also worked in schools as a senior leader, and has three older step children;  who went to Fowey Primary school with the oldest two also attending FRA.




Melanie became a governor at the end of 2022, she lives with her wife in Fowey and attended Fowey School as a student. Melanie has 20 years exprerience working in technology and software development, and was a school teacher teaching ICT & Computing in secondary schools in South-East London. Melanie is keen encourage STEM subject participation, work to raise aspirations, and provide any support for the school or students that help continue all the improvements already taking place. Melanie is a long distance runner, and  beginner gardener. 

Opening Hours:

Monday - Thursday: 8:30 am - 5 pm

Friday: 8:30 am - 4 pm

Weekends:  Closed