
curriculum 2022 

Uncompromisingly determined...

At Fowey, we believe that our curriculum is vital in preparing young people for the futures they deserve and so we are uncompromisingly determined to provide our students with the best learning experiences. 

We want all students to flourish and for no one to be left behind. 

We believe that a good curriculum not only leads to good results but is also designed to offer every one of our students the knowledge, skills, and cultural capital that they will need throughout their life. 

The curriculum is broad and rigorous, full of both opportunities and challenges.

All students study a wide variety of subjects but are also exposed to the richness of knowledge within each area through exciting and meaningful experiences such as the Erasmus Project, theatre and gallery trips, visits to Exeter University, Stratford for drama and literature and science trips.

We are constantly reviewing our curriculum and have recently changed to follow a 2 week timetable with 5 lessons of 60 minutes each day. This has given us the flexibility to offer every student an hour of extension and enrichment activities every week. It has also enabled us to give an extra hour of English and Maths at KS4 while every option subject has an extra session so that they see their teachers more often.  The tables adjacent show how this looks over a two week timetable.

If you want to find out more about the individual subjects we offer and their curriculums, please choose a subject below to find out more.  If you require more in-depth information regarding curriculum plans, please contact us.


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“Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience. You need experience to gain wisdom.”

Albert Einstein

Opening Hours:

Monday - Thursday: 8:30 am - 5 pm

Friday: 8:30 am - 4 pm

Weekends:  Closed