Welcome back- it’s been a really positive start to the school year. Students are engaged and contributing well to lessons and behaviour has been commendable.  The Summer’s GCSE results were very pleasing. Once again our English Department scored high, we have increased once more on the previous year’s results and there has been a significant jump in the Government’s new main measure of progress.

We are delighted to welcome two new members of teaching staff. Sarah Mottart joins us as the new Head of Performing Arts.  Sarah has a hugely impressive track record in GCSE Drama success as well as many, many connections to the Arts world and is a well-known county figure in education.  Samuel Birnie joins our English team complementing their skills set and has an industry background in Branding and Marketing. We also welcome Jon Rolls as our Community Enterprise Director.  Some of you will know Jon as an FRA parent but also through his involvement in the community take over of Par Track and his passion as a local rugby coach. Jon joins the Executive Team bringing a wealth of experience from the social enterprise and community development sectors.

We are putting the final touches to our new IT strategy  and we will be communicating to you next week the dates and times of the parents’ information meetings when the iPads will be distributed to take home.

We have had further meetings today about site improvements and things are forging ahead regarding the multi-million pound improvements.  We look forward to sharing these plans with you in the coming months. 

A reminder to you that our main communication platform is through ParentMail, however, we have met with our website designer this week and we are about to implement changes to the website and the phone system to make communicating with us even easier. 

Later this week you will be receiving a blog from Miss Hick which will explain our new homework policy.  

Finally the Leading Edge Academies Partnership are publishing a suite of new policies and, as each one becomes live, we will upload to our website and share on our social media platforms. 

Dates for your diary

1st October is an INSET day and the school is closed to all FRA students. 

1st October 6-8:30pm Year 6 Open Evening for prospective parents. Click here to register your interest: https://www.facebook.com/events/411631136155598/?ti=icl