The Year 11 Prom will be held at the Carlyon Golf Club on Thursday 27th June 2019.
We look forward to you all arriving between 6.30 – 7.00pm, in all your finery.
You can look forward to a 2 course dinner and a mocktail arrival.
Parents you are more than welcome to come and watch your child on this special evening, an allocated area will be provided to enable you to get the best photographs.
This is a truly lovely evening for all involved and gives the opportunity for staff and students to say goodbye to each other, before they move onto the next exciting chapter in their lives.
We look forward to seeing you all there. Tickets are £40 and can be purchased via Parent Pay – please remember to complete the slip and return this to Miss Higman.
If you have misplaced your letter – please see Mrs McHardy or Miss Wearne for another copy.