Dear Parent/Carer

I hope that you have all enjoyed your half term break, since Christmas we have been able to return to a more “normal” school life with extra-curricular clubs and fixtures being offered. I was delighted that after many years the school production returned with some amazing performances in Bugsy Malone. The work by staff and students in order to put this on has taken over a year and involved a huge commitment in order to make it happen and be so good, the show was amazing and you should be extremely proud of what you have achieved. A special mention must go to Ms Mottart who along with a number of other staff made this happen.

As you are aware we launched “The Fowey Way” in January, this includes a clear set of expectations with rewards and sanctions associated with it. This has been well received and lots of students have started to collect rewards for their efforts. We are currently looking at a new app where students and parents can see instant information about any rewards and sanctions as well as attendance and attainment, more information will follow soon. Unlike the rewards, the sanctions reset at the end of each semester (ten weeks) and so as we return to Week 2, students have all had their behaviour points returned to zero. Having experienced the new system I hope that all of our students are now very clear on the Fowey Way expectations and will avoid picking up behaviour points that lead to sanctions. If you have any issues with uniform or equipment, please contact your child’s tutor or CGS Team and we will see what we can do to help you.

As the evenings start to lengthen and we hope to start to see the sun I would encourage every student to attend at least one MIXX club each week, it’s a great way to try something new, meet new people and/or get a bit fitter.

Kind Regards
Mr Eddy