I am delighted to inform you that this year we intend to take a party of students from Years 7, 8 and 9 to the Royal Cornwall Show on Friday 7th June. We will be departing at 08.30 and return at approximately 17:30, therefore students will need to be dropped in and collected.
Unfortunately, it will not be possible to arrange the visit unless parent/carers are willing to meet the cost on a voluntary basis. The cost of the trip is £10. The academy wholeheartedly believes that such visits are an extremely valuable experience. It must be stressed that there is no compulsion to take part and that such activities are extra to normal educational provision at Fowey River Academy.
It is a fantastic opportunity to savour all that is good in Cornwall and we will be asking the students to visit the many areas of the show and report back on what they have discovered on their journey throughout the day.
Students must be in full school uniform with suitable comfortable shoes for walking, but also be suitably equipped for the variable Cornish weather. They will need to bring a packed lunch or money to purchase food and plenty of drink with them. (Students who receive free school meals will have lunch provided by our canteen staff to collect at the start of the school day. Please indicate on the form if this is required). Please ensure that the academy has up-to-date emergency contact details.
If you wish to secure a place for your child on this trip, which is on a first-come, first-served basis (for both consent form and payment), please return the attached consent form to Mrs Higman by Monday 3rd June, along with payment using our online Parentpay facility. If you require assistance with this, please contact Mrs Higman on 01726 833484. Ext 289.