Duke of Endinburgh

Duke of Endinburgh

This weekend marked the end of the Duke of Edinburgh expeditions for this academic year. In September Mrs Baillie and I launched an exciting opportunity for Fowey students to take part in. Year 9 Students were offered Bronze Award and Year 10 Silver Award, following...

Well done Year 10!

This week, year 10 are working really hard on their Spoken Language endorsement for GCSE English Language. Students have been given the opportunity to pick a subject of their choice to present a speech to either persuade, argue or inform. We have had a huge range of...

Le Lac Watersports Trip

Year 8 Le Lac Watersports Trip 2019 (14th– 21st July)   Parent and student meeting: Tuesday 18th June – 18.00 – School Hall For all students who have confirmed their place on the Watersports Trip Agenda: – Presentation from Rockley representative: detailed...

I am delighted to inform you that this year we intend to take a party of students from Years 7, 8 and 9 to the Royal Cornwall Show on Friday 7th June.  We will be departing at 08.30 and return at approximately 17:30, therefore students will need to be dropped in and...