Dear Parent /Carer, 

Thank you once again for your ongoing support transitioning to a digital curriculum; without your help, patience and understanding students would not be producing the high-quality work we are receiving!

New Online Enrichment Programme (extra-curricular)

Please note these activities are not compulsory, they are optional extra-curricular activities that can be undertaken in addition to normal timetabled lessons. 

Over the Easter Holidays staff worked incredibly hard adapting the digital curriculum to meet the needs of remote learning and, because we know learning does not just take place in the classroom, staff have also been busy developing an exciting aspirational co-curricular enrichment programme. 

Isaac Newton, William Shakespeare and Edvard Munch all achieved great things during quarantine. To give our students the chance to develop new skills and talents, working in partnership with the Royal Academy of Engineering, High Performance Learning, Big Ideas and the National Shine Magazine Awards, we have put together a variety of co-curricular enrichment projects for students to engage in should they wish to. 

All tasks and activities have been designed to help your child develop the high-performance learning skills necessary for success while exploring possible career routes. Where possible, tasks have also been given a real-world link which means completing the tasks will help your child stand out from the crowd when applying for their dream job or university place in years to come.

In addition, Mrs Smith has been working hard to put together a wellbeing section. Here you will find activities, information, guidance and courses linking to the five key areas of wellbeing; Connect, Give, Take Notice, Be Active and Keep Learning. Wellbeing is at the core of everything we do. It is central to helping you develop skills, knowledge, confidence and inner strength as well as helping you find your inner spark not to just succeed but to flourish and thrive in everything you do. By being curious, trying new things and new challenges students will broaden their capabilities and enrich the experiences they have as an adult. As Ralph Marston said; ‘What you do today can improve all of your tomorrows.’

Our enrichment provision can be found on Firefly:

If you have any queries regarding the enrichment programme or you have any suggestions for enrichment clubs you would like to see introduced once we return to school, please email me

If you have any queries regarding wellbeing, please contact Mrs Smith