Remote Learning Update 

Dear Parents/Carers

I am writing to you to give you an update on our curriculum precautions and preparations in light of the Coronavirus School Closures.  

 What will happen in the event of the school closure? 

 We are in an incredibly fortunate position with our new digital curriculum as we have the perfect platform for uploading lessons, setting tasks and marking work already up and running. 

As far as possible, learning will continue as usual; work for each timetabled lesson will be set, submitted and marked via Firefly. 

 Firefly can be accessed via any digital device including; smart phones, iPads or home computer. If you do not have any internet access at home, please let us know and we will make alternative provision. 

What will students need to do from home? 

–       Students are expected to follow their normal timetable through logging onto Firefly during their timetabled lessons and following the lesson uploaded by their teacher (work from each timetabled lesson will be set on Firefly one hour before the lesson). 

–       During timetabled lessons teachers will be available via email if students have any queries regarding the work. 

–       Work for each timetabled lesson will be set, submitted and marked via Firefly. (For a step-by-step guide on how to do this please visit: or see the PowerPoint below.)

–       Students need to complete all work on the day that it is set. 

 What if your child is ill?  

–       If your child is ill, please notify the school via email so we can keep a record of students who will not be completing tasks on set days. 

Technical Support 

For technical support using Firefly please visit

 If you require any further assistance please email: (ICT Support) (ICT support)  (Assistant Headteacher Digital Learning)


Kind regards, 

Rebecca Stott

Assistant Headteacher/Digital Learning