Both FireFly and ParentMail are crucial apps in helping you support your child and for us to communicate with you. We really need ALL parents to be using both apps and to have set them up on their phones/iPads or home PC’s. Here is some more information on what they are for and how we use them, and a guide on how to access them. If you have any problems accessing either, or have lost your original emails with access codes/passwords/usernames, please send an email to the following address for help:

FireFly App

FireFly – this is our portal for parents and students for all their work and homework. Everything gets set through FireFly, which is on student iPads. All their lesson plans for the term/week and homework will be uploaded here by teachers. Parents are able to access FireFly themselves so they can see what work has been set etc FireFly will also be used to provide virtual parents evenings, where you can log in and speak to a teacher over the internet, so it’s vital you have access to this platform. Here is a helpful guide to help you get access. You can also get lots of useful guides from FireFly here:

ParentMail App

ParentMail is our parent portal. It allows us to communicate important messages to you but also manage a range of other important school functions, like canteen payments/top-ups, booking in for events or meetings, and a host of other useful functions. We need ALL parents to use this app and allow NOTIFICATIONS so you are notified when there is an important message. Although we use social media as well, ParentMail is always our preferred communication method for important messages. Here is a helpful guide to help you get access.