In this weeks update:
- Live lessons update
- Year 6 Transition Information
- Year 10’s Return
- Sports update
- Free School Meals
- Sports Hub Update
- Goodbye to Year 11
- Compass Update
- September Return
- Year Group Tutor Meetings
- Student Rewards

To enhance the remote learning experience teachers are looking forward to seeing their classes for some Live Lessons next week.
Live Lessons are not replacing the remote learning curriculum, all lessons and tasks must still be accessed and completed through Firefly. Live Lessons are being introduced as an additional interactive platform where students can benefit from some teacher input and have the opportunity to ask questions regarding tasks.
Ms Stott will be sending a Live Lesson Timetable and instructions out to parents and students today via email. If anyone has any queries regarding Live Lessons, or the remote learning curriculum, please email Ms Stott Assistant Headteacher Digital Learning
Year 10 are also reminded that face-to-face lessons and Live Lessons are not replacing the remote learning curriculum – all tasks for all subjects should be accessed and completed through Firefly.

Transition from Primary to Secondary
We have been enjoying an alternative transition period for Year 6 this year. Some primary schools have been able to welcome us into their “bubbles” whilst we have also been using Zoom to “meet” our new students. While not all primary schools will be able to participate in real or virtual meetings, we have been in contact with all our feeder schools to receive the necessary information to support the entry of our new cohort in September.
Mr Rolls is currently using his video skills to create a film introducing the key staff and this will be made available to our new students shortly. We have also produced a transition booklet including details on tutor groups transport, communications and a Frequently Asked Questions section. This will go out to all our new students in a transition pack before the end of term and is also available via our website here. We have tours of the school, introductions from key members of staff and lots of useful info about transport, uniform and what to expect.
We are really looking forward to our new students joining FRA in the Village and also to our new tutor group, 7 Ice, joining Earth, Air, Fire and Water.

Year 10’s Return
On Thursday 18th and Friday 19th June all of Year 10 had the opportunity to come into school with their parents and meet with a member of the leadership team. These progress review meetings provided an overview of all the online work that had been completed until that point.
During the week of the 29 – 3rd July all students will have the opportunity to work with a specialist teacher in Maths, English and Science so they can catch up on any missing work, ask questions and extend their progress. Year 10 will initially have 3 hours a day where they are all in school. The sessions aim to get students back on track by imparting a love of learning and concentrate on skill practice that has been difficult to do by yourself at home.
The sessions will start at 9am after students are met form the bus and led into their zone. The sessions will finish at 12:30 at which point students will be led down to the buses where they be dismissed.
Students will work in zones and therefore will be separated from all other students. They will work in bubbles of only 8 and will remain with these students, in the same room for the day. All students will be allocated a seat and will sit at least 2 metres apart. Each room will be deep cleaned at the end of every day and various measures have been put in place around school to ensure social distancing. Despite the governments relaxation down to 1m, we are adopting best practice and will be ensuring 2m at all times. Further details on our procedures can be requested if required.

Sports Update
Mr Horton and the PE team have been doing an amazing job of inspiring students to engage in an array of physical activity over the lockdown. Click here to see an update on all things sport!
Key Worker provision – Children of key workers are still very welcome to attend school during the week. Attendance needs to be pre-booked via ParentMail, and a reminder goes out each week. You can find out if you work in a critical sector here:

Free School Meals
These will continue over the summer for those eligible. For those people currently receiving boxes, you will receive a larger box in the last week of term and a voucher part way through the summer. We will however need a valid email for those people currently receiving boxes, otherwise you will not be able to receive them. Students will be eligible for £90 to cover the 6 week period and this will be paid in up to 3 vouchers. For FSM eligibility and to apply please click here.

Sports Hub Classes
Although gyms and leisure centres are not allowed to open for indoor activities at the moment, outdoor fitness is allowed and the Sports Hub team have been hard at work launching group outdoor fitness classes and personal 1-2-1 training sessions. All classes are bookable online through a new booking system that can be accessed here:

Good Luck Year 11!
Today is the official leaving date for year 11, and it was wonderful to see the majority of you last week to say goodbye. As Mr Smith stated when we are able to, there will be an opportunity of a year 11 get together in lieu of this year’s Prom.
We will be keeping your school email open until the end of August, and Mrs McHardy has said she will be still available if you have any concerns or questions. For results day, if you would like your results posted please complete the form sent out and get that back to us. Otherwise keep an eye on your email and the school website for details of how we will be conducting results day.
It has been a pleasure for all of us at Fowey to have been part of your education and we wish you all the best for all your future endeavours, and we look forward to hearing all about your progress when we see you next.
Please continue to take care, and go out to be outstanding members of your communities.

Compass Update
As home learning continues we wanted to take the chance to remind you of some of the services and advice which is available to support during the current lockdown. The Cornwall Local Offer page is being updated regularly by all the professional services to keep both parents/carers and schools as update around what is available and happening:
We have also included links to documents which we feel are particularly useful, see below.
There has been a working group which Fowey River has been part of around supporting young people as they move from school into Post 16. There is a link below which has been written specifically for parents to offer advice for what is available as our Year 11 pupils officially leave and before they join their post 16 provision.
We have also enjoyed meeting with lots of year 6 teachers, head teachers, SENDCos, pupils and their parents in order to compliment Ms Hick’s work around transition to ensure our new pupils have as smooth a transfer as possible.
If you are concerned about a student or need some additional support please contact, this email address will continue to be monitored through the holidays.

September Return
At the moment we are preparing ourselves for a full return in September. Whether this will have social distancing as part of the return we just don’t know, and that is why we have been working hard to plan for the return of Year 10’s next week, so we can trial new ways of working in school and ensure the safety of all. One thing we do know is that the Trust have agreed that due to the current circumstances, that we will continue to operate a non-uniform policy in September. We will also ensure that parents/carers have at least 1 term notice before normal service is resumed to give you the opportunity to get the correct uniform in place.

Year Group Tutor Meetings
The Senior Leadership Team have agreed there is a real need for more face to face contact with parents/carers and students to discuss progress over the last few months. We are proposing to hold tutor meetings with all parents/carers/students in the last 3 weeks of term, to discuss progress. More details will be issued soon.

Student Rewards
The following pupils have now been nominated 6 times for the standard of their work. Huge congratulations and a nice little reward will be on its way!
Caitlyn Matthews
Harry Bayes
Emily Denne
Fran Johns
Evie Hermes
Millie Van Den Broek
Will Hughes